Akhenaten to Obama
There are popular teachings today that speak of the Egyptian King Akhenaten being an Alien God who descended to earth to plant an alien race. It was also said he worked with UFO visitors from the sky. We also see that UFO discs seem to appear in hieroglyphics.
UFO Hieroglyph
UFO Hieroglyph
Click Here for the article that outlines the teachings of Akhenaten being an Alien God. The article indicates:
"Curiously, Akhenaten characterised his affiliation with the Sun God as a personal relationship saying; “There is only one God, my father. I can approach him by day, by night.” While some may think that the pharaoh was only speaking metaphorically in this instance, it has been written in ancient poetry that Akhenaten was visited by beings who descended from the sky. It is said that these creatures gave the ruler counsel and had a singularly influential effect on his policy making and endeavours. This detail has given rise to speculation that Akhenaten was visited and guided in his construction of a new era in Egyptian society by some form of alien species. Some have even suggested that the pharaoh may have even been an alien himself, noting that there is a reference to him descending to Earth from the stars in the literature of the period."
Akhenaten Connection
It is interesting to note that the elongated head of Akhenaten, who is said to be an Alien God, bears resemblance to the skulls of the so called Anunnaki Gods.
Akhenaten Hieroglyphics
Nephilim Skull of Peru
According to Anunnaki.org:
The Annunaki “Those Of Royal Blood” are believed to be immortal gods that inhabited the earth during the ancient sumerian time in mesopotamia.
The Sumerian civilisation developed on the Persian Gulf, growing to strength at around 4 – 3,000 B.C. The ‘Plain of the Land of Shinar’ is the territory which after 2,000 B.C. became called Babylon. The Greeks named the region Mesopotamia (The land between two rivers), most of which lies in the modern state of Iraq.
According to a Christian based article (Click Here), the Annunaki gods were indeed fallen angels:
The Gods and the greater Gods, were most likely the fallen angels and the fallen archangels in many cases, and would correspond with the Sumerian Anuna and the Anunnaki/Igigi. There's historical precedence for this viewpoint in the ancient Hebrew texts, the Bible and various other ancient texts.
I believe these texts indicate that the fallen angelic beings were "stuck" as it were, in the physical universe and have to rely on technology in order to traverse the reaches of space, having been stripped of the ability to cross the dimensions into God's presence (They were "cast out of Heaven"). However, the holy angels and archangels have an entirely different set of abilities and options, from what I can ascertain.
They are primarily messengers, and stay out of human affairs with the exception of when under direct commandment from God, which typically involves protecting humans from the fallen angels. In fact, many times in the Old Testament and New, you can read about the angels protecting humans from various problems almost always directly associated with the fallen angels in some aspect.
The good news is, if you're an abductee or don't wish to become one, there is someone who can protect you from abduction by these extra-terrestrial, fallen angels. His name is Jesus.
So there you have it. The Fallen Angels, in most cases, are extra-terrestrials, responsible for many (if not all) legitimate accounts of abductions and sightings. They have employed technology to mimic the works of God down through the millennia.
By manipulating the physical realm with dramatic outcomes, they have convinced many that the spiritual does not exist and that all instances of the miraculous are/were simply clever aliens using technology or explainable by the sciences, as they have done for thousands of years.
They've implanted their hybrids in the highest offices of our lands and in the seats of power of every major institution and corporation, for as long as there have been seats of power to sit upon. If you've ever wondered why you couldn't get ahead in life, no matter how hard you tried, you have only to give thanks for your humanity (and do give thanks for it).
DNA Analysis of Akhenaten?
We also see in the following article, that some suggests that Egyptian Phatoahs were alien hybrids:
A genetic study conducted by Stuart Fleischmann, assistant professor of Comparative Genomics at the Swiss University in Cairo, suggests that some Egyptian pharaohs underwent genetic manipulation by advanced beings from another universe.
Yes, you read correctly, the all-mighty Egyptian pharaohs were genetically modified by aliens.
The study included nine DNA samples that have gone through a technique called Polymere Chain Reaction (PCR). This process is used to clone a single copy of DNA, enabling researchers to have a picture of someone's genetic imprint. Eight of the nine samples submitted came back with interesting anomalies. However, the ninth sample, belonging to Tutankhamun's father, Akhenaten, came back with a significant difference.
The DNA sample that was taken from Akhenaten was a fragment of brain tissue and was the source of initial testing. Although their findings were "conclusive," the team of scientists used yet another DNA sample taken from bone tissue and redid the tests; their findings were the same.
The highly controversial, and rather entertaining, evidence shows that the bone tissue of Akhenaten is substantially thicker, which can be an indicator of increased brain development. Which, of course, means he was an alien-hybrid.
For the sake of a good argument, assuming it's correct, then maybe powerful Egyptian pharaohs built the pyramids with a little help from a few friends in outer space.
This theory that the Annunaki are fallen angels or a possible a hybrid race falls into line with my article regarding Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch. It is said that the Fallen Angels mated with daughters of man to produce Giants or the Nephilim:
Also, Stephen Quayle has extensive research regarding this information:
Steve Quail - Ancient gods
We also have this uncanny resemblance of Obama to Akhenaten, and people have remarked about this connection more than normal.
It also seems as though the demonically possessed/oppressed "star" Beyonce is alluding to the return or "Homecoming" of the "Egyption gods" in regards to Akhenaten and Nefertiti:
Beyonce's New Album 2019
Akhenaten and Nefertiti
18th Dynasty of Egypt
Ancient Aliens?
In this UFO sightings video, they say the Pyramids were perhaps made by aliens, and the Pharoahs were aliens, and that "history has a habit of repeating itself". This is pre-programing people to believe the coming UFO deception, it seems.
Egypt and Aliens Propaganda
Post Rapture Speculation
Perhaps after the rapture of the faithful Christians (Revelation 3:10), Obama will come forth claiming to be an Alien god who planted humanity on earth. I believe UFOs, various crafts, and aliens will appear with him. This matches various prophecies of Obama returning as the Man of Sin/AntiChrist (2 Thessalonians 2), and the invasion of "Aliens". Please see my blog about Obama being the Antichrist (Link Here).
• Coming Alien Deception
Cartoon Programming?
In the below video it shows an episode clip of X-men Evolution TV show in which the Egyptian Pharoah Rama Tut fell from the stars and brought in alien technology to rule the land? Also, a grey skinned infant mutant was born, perhaps alluding to Tammuz which is Nimrod the Pagan Sun god reincarnated.
X-Men Apocalypse Origins
Bible Prophecy
Please also see my article about a strong delusion (Link Here) coming after the rapture of the true Christian Church (1 Corinthians 15:51). I believe the New World Order headed by Obama and the False Prophet Pope Francis, who admits he will baptise Aliens, will say that the Alien gods took the Christians and not the LORD Jesus Christ. See also my blog about True Biblical History and what is to come.

• FEMA Camps
• RFID Microchip
• Beast System Rising
• Unplug
The Mark of the Beast I suppose could be a combination of things, we do not yet know what will be mandatory in order to buy or sell although it appears the mRNA vaccine or another Covid-19 Vaccine will soon be mandated to buy or sell. Revelation 13 says all men will have to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead, which could be literal, metaphorical, or spiritual mark. I believe these vaccines will change the DNA of a person and will be mandated soon as a false cure and may include an RFID microchip and or trackable nanobots. Also, I suppose the vaccine pill could also alter our DNA and include nanobots and Luciferase enzymes. In addition, the quantum dot tattoo may also be used and have similar functions as the other ones. I say stay away from it all and count it all as damnable and all potentially the Mark of the Beast! If you accept the mRNA vaccine it will most likely change your DNA and cause you to be a hybrid Nephilim which is no longer a creation of God and therefore I believe irredeemable. In addition, the other false solutions are equally as damning in my opinion and we should resist all COVID-19 solutions from the government and put our trust in Jesus Christ alone! All of these evil solutions and or any new solutions may all have the potential to be linked into the New World Order cloud system and allow for tracking, tracing, and digital payments, ID, and more!! Resist these abominations! Whoever receives the Mark of the Beast is forever damned to hell. For Biblical scripture related to the Mark of the Beast see Revelation Chapters 13-14 and 19-20.
This alien deception will destroy the faith of weak Christians who do not truly know Jesus, and it will cover up the truth that the AntiChrist is empowered by Lucifer and that aliens are interdimensional demonic hybrids who work with fallen angels to destroy Jesus' creation.
In my regarding the Book of Enoch (Link Here), it speaks of fallen angels coming to earth to take women of men for wives. We also know we wrestle not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but beings in the heavenly realms that we cannot see.
Acts 2:17 Prophecies
I've included a few prophecies (Acts 2:17) from 444ProphecyNews.com below.
Wendy Lee, a Prophetess (Acts 2:17) of the Most High (YHVH), confirms the Nephilim deception that will come, after the rapture, where the Nephilim will appear in human form, perhaps as an advanced alien race (I say). They will try to mix the DNA of man as in the Days of Noah, and push the Mark of the Beast (Covid Vaccine and RFID chip implant and or the quantum dot tattoo or hydrogel or any other like-solution) onto the world.
* Wendy Lee prophesied correctly regarding the Russian Submarine Incident on 7/2/2019. Full details in my article here.
Karen Gutterman
August 23, 2018
Hi, this has not happened to me before but there is always a first time… word received from the Lord on 8-21-2018.
Write these words my daughter..
The Aliens,they DO NOT come in Peace. Do not be deceived. They will say that to gain your trust but will end up enslaving you all. The time is come. Stay in My WORD! Do not stray from ME. The vision I gave you of the Russian submarines coming along the coasts of the US will be soon,there were nukes going off and people flying up in the air, white bodies ascending as I stood next to Jesus up in the sky a few months ago. Rockets, missiles will be added to the nukes. No where to hide from them. I protect MY Chosen. Many will fly. I come for My little children. The Aliens did not take them. I protect My little ones from them. Do not grieve, but Rejoice! for My time has come to gather those that stay in MY WORD! Much deception comes to all. Be vigilant, stay awake! Know that I am Coming! The darkness will be all over but MY Lights will shine, comforting and doing My works.
Come be with Me. Your rewards are many. Your crowns await you. But you must follow MY path of suffering to redeem them. You are overcomers and I will give you the strength to go thru the tribulations. All must be refined to come to ME. I AM ready to give you all good things, just follow ME. The Father says, TIME IS UP. Be not afraid. I come for you now. I long to hold you in MY arms for the hugs you have been waiting for. Stay the course. It will be over quickly. I AM right there with you! I will anoint you to see past the destruction to see what you long for.Let the WEDDING begin!! Eternity awaits you with ME forever. I AM has spoken .
Rev. 22:12 And behold, I come quickly; and thy reward is with Me, to give everyman according as his work shall be.
submitted by Karen Gutterman 8-23-2018
Patti Huson
September 30, 2018
I had a vision this morning. I saw Obama and he was standing on a stage, and thousands of people had tickets in their hands, waving them at him. He was on a stage and they were trying to hand him their tickets, their votes. The tickets were actually ballots to vote, and he was waving his hand towards them, smiling saying “No no no, you don’t have to vote I’m already in, save those tickets because your ride is about to begin…
Yes, he’s on the stage again and entertaining them all, and they will all follow the pied piper and they will all end up in hell… God will give them what they wanted, darkness and evil and deceit, deception, lovers of themselves, lovers of this world and sin, they lived only to please themselves....
(Acts 2:17) - Akhenaten
By Godshealer7 (Barbara)
March 17, 2018
Transcript: “The son of perdition waits in the shadows…a man of lawlessness. He has made preparations for this time. He will put fear in the hearts of those left behind. While he was in power, he made arrangements to fulfill his wicked plan. This evil has been seen before like into Hitler from another time in history. He will try to exterminate in any manner possible the remaining souls. The persecution unimaginable…his thirst for blood unquenchable. His mark has been legalized. He will force many to bow down to him and take his mark or they will be put to death. The camps are in place. His army waits with him in the darkness. My Children come to Me…The Light of the world. The tribulation has begun. Your Prophets/Messengers spoke of the man of perdition.He believes he is a god cast down from the Heavens…Akhenaten. He has confessed this to the multitude. The confession is on record as humour. These are the latter days. I hold the scroll in My Hand. I AM The Lamb, Who was slain. I laid My Life down for you. I AM The Good Shepherd. My Sheep know My Voice. Come to Me…The Light of the world. Listen and take action…antichrist and the man with black eyes…your Pope are ready!”
By Linda Clay Hasche (BelieveActs2FIRE)
3-13-18 ~ VISION: Obama-THE-Antichrist Introducing the Fallen Angels
MARCH 13, 2018
I had the following vision (Acts 2:17) yesterday afternoon (3-12-18):
I saw Obama-THE-Antichrist standing at a podium introducing the fallen angels, saying:
“These are beings from an advanced civilization that have come to save our planet.”
I KNEW this was “the alien reveal” . . . The fallen angels masquerading as “aliens”. It is the “deluding influence” the Heavenly Father sends to those WHO DID NOT BELIEVE THE TRUTH, as discussed in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 ~ “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.”
I also KNOW the great falling away . . The apostasy , WILL occur when MOST professing Christians, who do not love the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:11), WILL BELIEVE THE LIE OBAMA-THE-ANTICHRIST SPEWS OUT OF HIS MOUTH:
“These are beings from an advanced civilization that come to save our planet”.
MOST lukewarm, professing Christians in Mystery Babylon, United States of America (Revelation 17 & 18), WILL WORSHIP THE BEAST . . . OBAMA-THE-ANTICHRIST, . . . because they did not love the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:11).
Daniel 8:25 ~ “And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence; And he will magnify himself in his heart, And he will destroy many while they are at ease. He will even oppose the Prince of princes, But he will be broken without human agency.”
What about those who want to avoid the truth of these final days and stay in their own little delusional bubble of ease or man-made church doctrines and traditions? Then I say to those: you are actually avoiding Jesus if you do not seek and love the truth.
John 14:6 ~ Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
BUT . . MOST professing Christians in Mystery Babylon, United States of America, do NOT even take the time to at least pray about the prophetic warnings the Holy Spirit is prompting many to give in these final days, to use the warnings as a way to seek and find the TRUTH. The warnings are to prepare those who truly KNOW the LORD Jesus (Yeshua) for what is going to unfold. NO . . . Most avoid prophecy, but fail to remember (or likely even know) the following TRUTH that John wrote about in the Bible:
Revelation 19:9-10 ~ Then the angel told me to write, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.” So I fell at his feet to worship him. But he told me, “Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who rely on the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
I don’t have anything else to say except this:
1 Thessalonians 5:19-24 ~ “Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.“
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