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CA State Fair

Who Am I?

I am a born again Christian rooted in Christ and the fundamental teachings of the Bible, and a member of the Body of Christ according to His will and purposes. I have been without a home since April 2017, for various reasons - including escaping toxic environments, abstaining from sin, financial hardships, spiritual opposition, a desire to evangelize and spend more time with the Most High God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who are One (Deuteronomy 6:4).

Here you can watch a Parable of the Vineyard Interview on my arrest for being a Christian in a Starbucks:

* I no longer support the POTV Channel because of their incorrect doctrine.

What Do I Believe?

I believe God loves us (John 3:16) and is a Spirit (John 4:24) and was made flesh as a man and dwelt among us as Jesus or Yeshua of Nazareth (1 Timothy 3:16 / 2 Corinthians 5:19, John 1) and died for us as atonement for our sins (Hebrews 9:22 / Isaiah 53) allowing us to be new creatures in Him by receiving His Holy Spirit. (John 14).

After the crucifixtion, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day as a guarantee and first fruits of the ressurection and He supped with His disciples (Acts 10:41), and was received up into glory (Acts 1:8-11), to be High Priest (Hebrews 9:11) and Lord Almighty forevermore (Isaiah 9:6-7).

Therefore, we can be born again by believing in the gospel, confessing that He (Jesus) is the Lord and Savior (Roman's 10:9), being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28). We are then disciples by confessing and turning away from all sin and forgiving all men for their trespasses against us, walking in faith and righteousness, keeping His commandments, and we are then guided and comforted by His Spirit.

For information on how to be a disciple of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah of Israel, please see these articles:

• Who is Jesus?
• Disciple of Jesus?
• Spiritual Warfare
• Religion or Relationship?
• Want to Be Saved?
• A New Creature
• Grace Alone By Faith Alone?
• Not Under the Law
• God or Money?
• The True Church

I do believe the Gifts of the Spirit are active today since Pentecost occurred 50 days after the Ressurection of Yeshua Jesus. I would say that I am a Bible believer and a part of the Body of Christ but do not subscribe to any particular denomination as we are all one body in Christ, of Christ. I do believe there are many false prophets, false apostles, and false pastors just like the Bible tells us would happen in the last days, so we must prove all things (1 Corinthians 5:19-21) through Bible study, prayer, fasting, and revelation by the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth and our teacher. I also believe that the Holy Spirit is being poured out upon all flesh, his sons and daughters, old and young (Acts 2:17).

• Gifts of the Spirit

Who Is God YHVH to Me?

From the Bible (John 14), we can see that YHVH Elohim, the Most High God, is in 3 persons yet is 1 - meaning that God is comprised of the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost.

• Father, Son, Holy Spirit
• A Christophany

From studying the Torah and the prophets, known also as the Old Testament, Prophets, Proverbs, and Psalms, we can see Jesus was prophesied to come long before He was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) to a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), and is the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6), and He bore our sins as an innocent lamb (Isaiah 53). Psalms 22 - I believe is God's suffering in Christ on the cross.

A Short Testimony 

I had believed in Christ Jesus at a very young age, although I had never became fully rooted in Him and the gospel of Christ. I went to church with friends and family a few times, but I never read the Bible or prayed to God in my personal time. I fell away from the faith more than once, and in the latter years of my struggle with faith I was baptized by the Holy Spirit after becoming entrenched in the New Age religion. I was addicted to Yoga and Meditation and was very deceived by the New Age doctrines. I became increasingly depressed, anxious, antisocial, and was demonically oppressed and even thought about suicide. For many days I was in desperation, with a heavy conscience, and of a contrite spirit, and by the grace of God, Christ revealed Himself to me through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. My testimony is located here

Recent Trials

In 2016, I dropped out of Four Year University in my senior year while studying Graphic Design and working as a Design Intern at CSUS. I had hit a moral crossroads and came to the truth of Jesus being the Messiah and Almighty God of Creation (Colossians 1). Since then I've been led by the LORD to begin an End Times ministry and I began as a sign holder on the street as a homeless man in 2017, and then I began to street preach, post online, visit local churches and house churches to warn about the End Times, and also protested abortion centers. I also created my blog website on my phone at the public library and I did all of these things until the Pandemic hit in 2020. At the time of the Pandemic, I began receiving support to stay in motels to support my YouTube channel and end times videos which was taken down by the powers that should not be. Over ten of my channels were censored and removed by YouTube.

At the end of 2020, after a year of jumping from motel to hotel and being attacked relentlessly by the principalities and powers in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12), I began to stay with my Mom who has been helping me keep my ministry going with her retirement and extra driving income. I have not felt led to abandon my ministry nor has my health been well enough to find work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I believe the Lord has called me to be a watchman and to lead people to Him in these last days according to Ezekiel 33. After studying Bible prophesy, it is apparent to me that we are in the last days before the Man of Sin, the Antichrist deceives the world and great Tribulation befalls all nations who have sinned against God. As prophesy declares, the birth pains or sorrows are increasing rapidly according to Matthew 24. Also, today's generation appears to be the final generation described in:

- 2 Peter 3
- 2 Timothy 3
- 1 Thessalonians 5
- 2 Thessalonians 2
- Zechariah 12
- Revelation 13
- Matthew 24

* For YouTube video updates, I have a YouTube Channel named "Shane A. Caldeira" that gives updates on world events, Bible readings, dreams and visions, and other things. My main channel was just deleted by YouTube.

Donations and Support

Please only send support if you are in a financial position to and if it would not put a burden on you and or your family.

My Mom has been supporting me financially to enable my online ministry and to keep me off the street, and we have been struggling to pay the bills at her apartment Both of us are experiencing health issues and it is difficult to make ends meet and to pay all the bills. Several times we were past due on most of our bills and by God's grace donations came in and we were able to keep the apartment and the car. If anyone would like to help me continue my ministry and for basic needs through a financial gift and or Christian prayer, it would be greatly appreciated, as Satan is also constantly attacking my phone-charging equipment, phone-memory, food and water money, and health to subvert my ministry. I use the extra donations for left behind material and resources for friends and family and strangers or for additional hard drives, ministry devices, and off-grid resources and tools.

I thank you all for your support and brotherly kindness and I pray that the end times harvest will be plentiful.

The easiest way for me to receive financial gifts is through Cash App (Cashtag $ShaneCaldeira), PayPal. 

CashApp - Cashtag $ShaneCaldeira
(In App Instant Transfer Feauture)

PayPal (Instant Transfer Feature)

My View On Biblical End Days

I can see the final beast system forming before my very eyes (Daniel 7), as Pope Francis is calling all nations and religions to come together - a great falling away from faith in Christ and of sound doctrine (2 Thess. 2). The Pope is working toward joining a global database of digital identities and a vast network of information to Artificial Intelligence to be established for oversight for the Mark of the Beast (Vaccine and RFID Chip most likely?) in a one world cashless currency. This was all prophesied of in the Book of Revelations 13-14, and 20:4.

We see the stage being set for the Man of Sin (AntiChrist) to come into power and establish a 7 year peace covenant with Israel and many nations (Daniel 9:27), as all of the nations are coming against Jerusalem (Zechariah 12, Ezekiel 38) after the declaration made by Trump in December 2017, where Jerusalem was named the capitol of Israel in the name of "peace and security" as declared in 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

I believe the Man of Sin is most likely Obama, as many people on YouTube have had dreams and visions (Acts 2:17) of him being the Anti-Christ. I also had a bad dream about Obama on Christmas 2017. On February 4, 2018, I believe it was God who woke me up after I went to sleep after prayer and He whispered powerfully "he's here, he's here" indicating the Man of Sin is here. This was confirmed by another brother in Christ Brandon Jay on Facebook.

In June 2018, a prophet told us after a prayer meeting that the Beast, the evil one, is on the Earth preparing his army and is going to persecute the Christians (Daniel 7:20-21, Revelation 13:7) and that the new temple in Jerusalem will suddenly be built for the evil one to falsely sit on Yahweh's throne (2 Thessalonians 2).

Obama is favored around the world as he is traveling the world and establishing connections with various world leaders, holding global summits to bring about change, and has formerly declared the U.S. to no longer be a Christian Nation. See YouTube for more information.

This is all occurring amidst civil riots and liberal movements in opposition to Trump and his pro-Christian stance. I believe America will receive judgement for all of her sins and apostasy as the Great Harlot that sits on many waters who rebels against The Most High, and even many lukewarm Christians will be cast into tribulation and/or given over to a strong delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:11) unless they repent. I believe many will be rounded up into FEMA concentration camps, and Christians will be persecuted.

I do believe the faithful church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:10-11) will be spared (raptured - 1 Cor 15:52) before the hour of trial (Daniel's 70th week).

In these dark days, we must strengthen our faith in Christ and walk according to His commandments despite prevailing Christian harassment and persecution. We must be wise, and wait and watch for His coming, as a spotless bride waits for her groom upon the wedding day (Matthew 25).

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but with evil spirits in unseen realms; therefore, we must not be ignorant of Satan's devices and schemes and to put on our full armor of God as Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy (Ephesians 6).

It seems the mandatory vaccines will be forced alongside the RFID microchip, and I believe it is sin to receive a vaccine made from aborted fetus cells. It is also reported that these Coronavirus vaccines alter your mRNA and DNA. Some say the Coronavirus Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast and will alter your DNA and make you irredeemable as a hybrid creature and damned forever as with the Nephilim Giants. I tend to believe that is the case! We see now world governments and establishments are working to make vaccines mandatory in order to enter public places and to buy or sell which matches the description of the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13-14. Take heed and resist these things and or the quantum dot tattoo or hydrogel or another like-solution as they may be used as the Mark! Your eternal salvation is at stake!

My Contact Info

If you like to contact me, please email me at shanecaldeira12@gmail.com. My Telephone number is 916.562.8440.

Various Ministry Photos

Ministry Photos (2017 - 2019)

FedEx Prints

Downtown Sacramento, CA

Mom's House

Sacramento Evangelism

Sacramento Evangelism

Union Gospel Mission, Downtown Sac

Sacramento Evangelism

Carmichael Library, CA

CA State Fair, Sacramento

CA state Capitol Park

Sacramento Evangelism

CA State Capitol Rally

CA State Capitol Rally

Planned Parenthood, Downtown Sac

Martin Luther King Parade

Sacramento Evangelism

Sacramento Evangelism

Prayer Meeting 

Planned Parenthood, Downtown Sac

CA State Fair, Sacramento

CA State Fair, Sacramento 

Daleiden Pro Life Criminal Case
San Francisco, CA


October 2019 Outreach 

October 2019 Evangelism


  1. Hi.
    I would like to make a Prayer request. I'm seeking the Lord to be Saved.

    Please pray to HIM that I may truly surrender All of myself to HIM ONLY completely and forever and To let me trust in HIM alone To Save me, for the Lord JESUS to do HIS will completely upon me ,and to give me Eternal life and baptize me with the HOLY SPIRIT . Please pray to HIM to completely cleanse me of all my pride and self righteousness and all my sins and hidden Sins and to give me true repentance and humble me. To help my unbelief and give me true saving faith on Christ alone (Hebrews 12:2) and true repentance from Godly sorrow which leads to salvation and to remove all the worldly sorrow (despair, self pity, unbelief, etc)
    and cause me to be truly born again in CHRIST. To clear all my doubts & confusions & question and fill me with His truth Only and completely & that I may live by the Truth.
    And that I may be rapture ready.
    Please pray that He would strip away All my arrogance, idols Completely and forever and take all the confusion away and point out every in me that I'm ignoring or not able to see (Psalm 139:23-24) . Please pray for the softening of my heart and removal of all indifference, to not let any indifference take over me and that I may always submit to the Holy Spirit and never resist or ignore HIM and harden my heart.


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