My Walk with Jesus

At a very young age my Mother prayed for me in my bedroom one night on Hallelujah Court in Sacramento, and while I was yet unlearned in the ways of the world — I believed in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I believe I felt the warmth and peace of the Holy Spirit that day, and was given a seed of the Holy Spirit that needed much watering and pruning.

Growing up my Mother said she was Christian yet we never went to Church. After my parents divorced at around age four, I remember going to a church a few times with my Dad.

Unfortunately, I did not have a good understanding of the gospel and my young life was riddled with pain and disappointment which left me feeling abandoned, abused, mistreated, neglected, mocked, and debased.

After my parents divorced I stayed with my Mother most of my life, and she soon remarried to a man with many problems. My step-dad would beat us all the time, get drunk, do drugs, and often shame me in front of people. He had a dislike for me and constantly made me feel small and weak. My mother also had problems and would come into our bedrooms with fits of rage and knock all of things off the shelves.

They would fight and argue nearly every day. I spent many days crying.
I didn't have a good relationship ship with my Step-dad, and I felt neglected by my real dad, as he favored my sister and showed her much attention at the times we went to visit him.

Growing up we moved almost every year because my Mom was an apartment manager and I was constantly the new kid in school, and my learning was greatly disrupted while feeling estranged with very little confidence in myself.

I was hungry for acceptance and friends. In Jr High, I started hanging around the wrong crowd, the troubled youth, and began smoking weed and drinking in the 7th grade while some of my friends were fornicating. Although we would go to church sometimes, we were always scheming up our next troubled adventure.

I was introduced to pornography at a very young age by my brother, and this seed of lust gripped me most of my life, and I still battle with lustful thoughts.

In High School, I put most of my attention on my High School Basketball team and friends and girlfriend, and we began to rebel and do drugs. It started with smoking weed, and then quickly escalated to popping Ecstasy, pharmaceuticals, snorting cocaine, drinking, and the last one was mushrooms. I started fornicating and finding new girls to "hook up" with.

My home life was turbulent and troubled and my relationships and friendships failed during High School, I was left feeling bitter and angry, and betrayed. It was as if my friends lost their morals and became depraved fleshly animals seeking their next high. Also, I was very angry after breaking up with my first girlfriend, and I was at a low point, and began to dust off my Bible and began reading Genesis. For some reason, I stopped reading.

As I cycled through various girlfriends and addictions to try to fill a God sized hole in my heart, I kept finding myself further depleted. I then got a serious state Job and moved in with my girlfriend and stopped doing drugs, but I had lied about my past. I put all of my energy and strength into making my new life work, and knew God had saved me from some near death experience a couple of times, probably more, and did not want to ruin it.

I lived with my girlfriend for about 4 and half years but never married, and was still living in sin while acting as though I was a good moral citizen of the world. My scars never fully healed and I had much pain and anger, depression and guilt, and remorse.

At around age 25, I had some very serious health problems and my girlfriend and I broke up. I was devastated and tried to heal with partying with some work friends and hitting the clubs and the bottle almost everyday. A lot of it was the evil desires of my heart. I began hanging around the political staffers and the politicians of the State Capital. The corruption is widespread. Some mornings I could barely get out of bed and was still drunk. I would black out sometimes and do wierd things that I did not remember. I say this was probably full demonic possession.

I began getting "sleep paralysis" a lot more than normal, and became very tired. I knew I needed help. I found online that calling out to Jesus would save me from the demons who attack me at night. So I said the sinners prayer and Jesus slowly began working on my emotional scars, and I began to reconcile my past. Yet, I still had problems with family and my friends were all about partying and drinking.

I then started to clean up my act, and stop sinning so much, and I began to get obsessed with my health and self development, and then stumbled into meditation and Yoga to help cope with a stressful job and life. I also began learning about the Illuminati and the corrupt rulers of this world.

I started listening to Deepak Chopra and various other Gurus and spiritual books and films. I began diving deep into the New Age movement.

I then stopped hanging out with my old friends who drank and partied all the time. I quit my job of 7 years and enrolled into State College hoping to make it big as a Graphic Designer. I put all my eggs in that basket, and got myself into a bunch of financial debt while studying the New Age and living with a new girlfriend and working on my health and the "best version of me." It was a selfish pursuit, but I was going to make up for it by being a talented Graphic Designer and a social change activist, to make the world a better place. I thought I could fix the problems of the world and get rich. So prideful.

I spent nearly three years on a "truth" journey thinking I was going on a spiritual awakening and I scoffed at biblical Christianity. I studied and practiced so many things - third eye meditation, kundalini yoga, buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, shamanism, new age, Paramahansa Yogananda self realization, animal spirit guides, Akashic Records, ascended masters, occult numerology, crystal energy healing, angel feathers, crow messages, and other things.

I was doing Hot Bikram Yoga all the time and having out of body experiences and visions - in response to communicating with higher realms of existence and demonic influence. I thought I was awakening to my own divinity, as Buddha so claimed. Yet I was tricked by the snares of Satan.
There are evil spirits that wish you harm and to deceive you, I guarantee it. I believe now I was under the influence of evil spirits - in my mind, body, and soul during that time as I gave Satan many footholds into my life.

After being severely depressed and suicidal despite how "successful" I was in this world, I still did not want to let go of the Biblical Jesus Christ and I knew either the Bible was true, or this New Age spirituality was true.

In the midst of my dilemma, my guilty conscience led me to fast without food to cleanse my "Karma" for maybe 4 days and I kept thinking about Christ dying on the cross as a blameless man of God and I did not know what it was at the time but the Holy Spirit was poured out on me in complete love and compassion. Jesus knew I was very sorry for all of the evil I had done, and the wake of destruction I had left, and the pit I had dug for myself. The Holy Spirit led me to weep for ours and I had a vision of huge hands catching me softly while I was falling. Jesus opened my eyes and allowed me to see into the Spiritual realm by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and began revealing the truth about life and this world.

I didn't want to be a part of the world anymore after finding out how corrupt it was, so I spent all my time studying the Bible and trying to live righteously in Christ. I dropped out of school and my family was not there to help me, my brother let me stay at his place for $600 a month but he was not saved and didn't understand what I was going through and their was friction because I didn't want to live like him.

I was working for Uber and a painting company to make ends meet, but walked away from my painting job because my boss was giving me a difficult time. I was very upset and my brother was also giving me a hard time and I lost my cool and yelled at him. He called the police and filed a restraining order the next day and I had to leave all my stuff or be arrested.

My mother and sister would not take me in so I moved in with my Dad who just married a woman who said she was Christian but was addicted to alcohol and they were fighting all the time. She has a Jezebel spirit. I left there place because I didn't want to be around the drama and still could not find a job other than Lyft. I went to their church a few times but I need to seek more of Jesus.

I decided to live in my car and evangelize while doing Uber and Lyft. Satan did not like that and was tempting me left and right and giving me a very difficult time (to this day). I eventually lost that job because of evangelizing. Then I sold my car because I didn't have money to fix the Air Conditioner and pay all my bills.
I then was on the street, going to church and evangelising online and reading books to get me closer to Jesus. The Lord put it on my heart to evangelize on the street, after getting a call from the Firefighters and asked if I wanted to donate to help save people from the fire. I knew we were in the end days and was studying Bible Prophecy.

I also had a vivid vision of a man in the air blowing a trumpet in a chariot. I concluded that Jesus was telling me that I need to stand my ground and warn people, blowing the Trumpet and I will be raptured like Prophet Elijah. Also, that I needed to be like John the Baptist and call people to repentance and out of the world before the terrible day of the Lord.

Around that time I also met a guy in the park while watching an end times prophesy video about the Tribulation, and he opened his Bible and read to me Ezekiel 33. I had been seeing 33 and 333 for years before I met that man and I concluded that God wanted me to be a watchman and to warn people.

Ever since then I've been going to different churches and telling people we are in the last days and the Tribulation is coming soon. I've seen great moves of God, outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and beautiful salvations.

My mother and sister would not allow me to stay with them, and told me to go to a homeless shelter. Also, it's interesting to note that before I began walking the streets I had a vision while in church, I saw a branch being cut off, as if to be pruned to bear more fruit, and then another vision of packing an ice-chest as if going camping or on a "fishing trip." While homeless people kept telling me I couldn't "camp out" and I finally made the connection to the ice chest vision - I believe Jesus was telling me I'm going to be homeless to camp out and fish for souls, and maybe that is my fate until the rapture comes.

I was the prodigal son, who went into the world and left my Father. Yet, Jesus had mercy on my soul and sent the Holy Ghost upon me, and despite my worldly life being ruined I am filled with a thankful and grateful heart and often times the joy, peace, and love of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus saved me last August 2016, and I have been following Christ since then. Satan tried everything he could to get me back into my old lifestyle and in sin.

I have had visions of Him on the cross, and visions of things related to the Bible, and I have felt the Holy Spirit in great and powerful ways, and wept for many hours, and during church service and through prayer, and I have been fishing for the souls of men. Sharing the truth of the love of Jesus the Christ.

I have no reason to lie to you, I'm not asking you to go to a church and tithe, but to read the Bible with an open heart with truth and honesty on the possibility that it is all true. The Bible says seek and ye shall find, and His word is good! I am telling you the truth! 
Jesus said you will be saved if you repent and believe on Him, and obeying His commandments you will receive the Holy Spirit of God, the creator/Father of all things. I have given all that I have and denied what the world offers, all for the love of the Father and that I may abide in His grace.

Repent and turn from your sins, believe Jesus is God manifested in the flesh who died for us and rose again on the 3rd day for our sins. We must believe and follow Him, living a Holy life in Christ as His body on earth.

Judgement is coming, repent and believe in Christ Jesus of the Bible. America will fall (Revelation 18). The hurricanes, floods, fires, and earthquakes, riots, rumors of war, world famines, are just the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24). This all has been prophesied of in the Bible.


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