Civil War
Subconscious Programming
It seems the global elites (Freemasons, Jesuits, Kabbalah, Illuminati), have been pre-programming American society for the Red versus Blue paradigm. They divide and conquer America through the Republican and Democratic provocations. They stage events and fuel media propaganda in order to divide America and incite civil war and panic. Out of chaos, there New World Order will spring forth from the Ashes of the manipulation of the masses.
Civil Unrest/Nuclear War
Civil War - Ordo Ab Chao
According to various prophecies from Dimitru Duduman (Video Link Here) and from other Christians, the WW3 will begin with the invasion of America (Sudden Bear Strike). Dimitru Duduman prophesied that it will first begin with civil unrest/war (internal revolution), and then sudden destruction will come to America from Russia and a coalition of nations. Perhaps the Migrant Caravan that is forcing it's way into America will be the event that ignites civil war, Marshal Law, and FEMA camps, and WW3?
In America, the Red vs Blue dichotomy is a scheme to divide and conquer, both sides of the same coin. It's designed to provoke chaos and destruction.
Its interesting to note what looks to be a Phoenix medallion around the neck of Albert Pike:
.. According to an alleged letter by Albert Pike (Master Mason - Satanist), the third world war will stem from manipulation by the global elitist who control the system, and will bring about the New World Order:
"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Pike - Scottish Rite and Jesuit
NWO Insider
We know in Matthew 24, we know all of these things will happen before Jesus returns with His Milinneal Kingdom. As Christians, we must dig into His word, study the Bible, turn away from sin, build our faith, and trust in Jesus alone for our salvation. Please do not trust the smoke and mirrors in the mainstream news, media, and television programs. See my article "The Birthpains."
Winds of War
Here in this video below, we see America is more divide than ever.
America Divided
Antifa Terrorists
• Two State Solution
Zechariah 12:2-3 KJV - Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. [3] And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
It seems God will allow the plans of Satan through the global elites to go forth for the increase of abominations and apostacy in America. Including homosexual pride parades, mass abortions (murder), fornication, idolatry, Witchcraft, transgenderism, greed, covetousness, and widespread corruption:
• Rise of the Phoenix
An interesting dream regarding Donald Trump and the Red versus Blue false dichotomy:
Trump Dreams - Acts 2:17
POTUS Trump is calling for a government shut down which would stir the liberal Democrats into a frenzy. More smoke and mirrors, a theatre performance.
The shutdown threat is to raise funding and support for a border wall, which the liberal Democrats are opposed to, so it is a lose lose for them either way.
The Migrant Caravan on the southern border last month sparked concern with the Republican-heavy government who does not want tax increases and or a takeover of foreigners.
A Country Divided
The Illuminati are manipulating a perfect storm to create chaos. I believe soon a civil war or rebellion will ensue in the streets of America, similar to what is going on in France with the yellow jackets and Macron.
Donald Trump who is posing as a Christian Republican who does not want to go with the United Nations globalist agenda (open borders) will make the Christian Republicans enemies of the New World Order. All of the world will blame Christians for the trouble Donald Trump is stirring up internationally. This is planned by the globalist satanic elite. This will make the persecution of the Saints (article here) during the AntiChrist reign seem justified.
• Setting the Stage
In October and November 2018, we see that the southern border was met with caravans of people from Mexico, and the following video has some interesting reports:
This man reports that more caravans are coming from Brazil, Columbia, and Venezuela. It is said in Mexico Russian factories and armored vehicles will be brought to Mexico and manufactured there. Also, rumors indicate that thousands of tanks with a Red Star were in the border jungle and planted and waiting for an invasion.
This prophecy indicates that enemies are soon to cross the borders:
This I believe is the time of the fall of Babylon America. Another report in late November 2018 indicates that Russia is coming to support the Migrant Caravan headed to the Mexico and United States border:
* Here we see mainstream news and social media stories are fueling the flames of civil unrest.
Provocation Propaganda
Trump Provocation
Left (Blue) Propaganda
Right (Red) Propaganda
Fox Propaganda
October 2019
October 2019 - President Donald Trump is now being charged with provoking a civil war during an impeachment campaign by the Democratic and Liberal parties.
"Although the president was quoting Pastor Robert Jeffress’s comments on Fox News, he was adopting them as his own.
It might seem tempting to dismiss this language as of a piece with President Trump’s typical Twitter rhetoric. But it is worth paying particular attention to this tweet—because among the people who read it were militia groups enthusiastic about exactly what Trump portended. And while no violence has yet resulted from the president’s tweet, it would be foolish to underestimate the power of Trump’s comments to call rogue militias to action, particularly if there is an impeachment and he continues to use this rhetoric to fan the flames. In the days after his civil war tweet, he went on to use similarly incendiary language, referring to impeachment proceedings as a “COUP.”
Civil War Provocations
It is also known that the United Nations has declared open-borders for all countries and have said that it is a human right to allow mass migration to any country. This seems to be a ploy by the New World Order to incite chaos and division, further the Islamic agenda, and to open the doors for the AntiChrist Beast System.
Global NWO Agenda
Global NWO Agenda
Article Here - UN Migration Pact
Also, it seems a financial collapse (click here) and WW3 is on the horizon. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 shows us the destruction will come suddenly.
• Rising Tensions!
I pray you are reconciled to God through Christ Jesus, living a Holy and set-apart life. Pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape these things...
10/2019 - Talks of a UN Soldiers deployed to the US, US Marines on standby for Martial Law, a Bolshevick style Presidential Coup in the works, and more. Pressing matters, rapture imminent:
10/23/2019 - It is no secret that things are heating up between the Republicans and Democrats, all the while military tensions continue to rise internationally. It seems we are on the precipice of a Presidential Coup as well as massive civil unrest. It was prophesied by Dimitru Duduman in 1983 that America would be busy dealing with an internal revolution when Russia and a coalition of nations would nuke and invade America (Revelation 18, Jeremiah 51). Be rapture ready at all times, and endure affliction for the name of Jesus!
Partisan political division and the resulting incivility has reached a low in America, with 67% believing that the nation is nearing civil war, according to a new national survey.
“The majority of Americans believe that we are two-thirds of the way to being on the edge of civil war. That to me is a very pessimistic place,” said Mo Elleithee, the executive director of Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service.
And worse, he said in announcing the results of the institute’s Battleground Poll, the political division is likely to make the upcoming 2020 presidential race the nastiest in modern history.
January 2020
1/2020 - The political divide in the USA increases as the impeachment is pending the Senate review and Trump escalates war efforts in the middle east after ordering the Strike on Iran General Soleimani. Radical left groups rallied around the nation in major cities in protest of Trump's war actions in fear for their safety. Pelosi and House Democrats pass a War Powers Resolution calling Trump to consult with Congress before making war acts.
As the war between USA and Iran increases so will America be divided and in chaos, as a powerful coalition of nations are forming against America to ultimately take it out in one hour (Revelation 18, Jeremiah 51) by a nuclear invasion according to various Christian prophetic messages - Dimitru Duduman, Henry Gruver, A A Allen, Monique Bizet, Maurice Sklar, etc.
It is the god of this world who is pulling the strings and orchestrating chaos:
2 Corinthians 4:4 KJV - In whom the god of this world (Satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
It looks like Civil War is rushing full speed ahead as the Satanic controlled media propagates more hate and fuels the flames of division. Expect civil unrest, riots, martial law, economic collapse, and the destruction of America via nuclear invasion according to various prophetic dreams, visions, and words (Acts 2:17).
Only Jesus can protect us from what is coming under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalms 91), who is able to keep us during any storm and even through death. Please make sure your on the narrow way according to the New Testament Bible.
The House of Representatives on Thursday voted in favor of a War Powers Resolution meant to limit President Trump’s military action toward Iran following an escalation in tensions between Washington and Tehran.
"We deserve the respect from the administration and that Congress deserves under the Constitution,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said on the House floor. “The Constitution of the United States calls that there be cooperation when initiating hostilities.”
The resolution is non-binding but is meant to reassert congressional authority and rebuke Trump’s decision to take out Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike last Friday while he traveled to an airport in Baghdad, Iraq. Trump did not consult with congressional leaders ahead of the attack that killed the Iranian military leader and afterward sent Congress a notification explaining the rationale but kept it classified.
Americans by more than 2-1 said the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani has made the United States less safe, a nationwide USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds, amid broad concerns about the potential consequences ahead.
A majority of those surveyed, by 52%-34%, called President Donald Trump's behavior with Iran "reckless."
Americans were divided on the wisdom of the drone strike at the Baghdad airport last week that killed Soleimani and others: 42% supported it, 33% opposed it; 25% said they didn't know what to think. Republicans were much more supportive than Democrats; independents were almost evenly split.
But there was overwhelming agreement – in each case by more than 6-1 – that the attack made it more likely Iran would strike American interests in the Middle East (69%), that there would be terrorist attacks on the American homeland (63%), and that the United States and Iran would go to war (62%).
It seems Trump was put in place as the wrecking ball to tear down the current world paradigm, provoke chaos, and then the New World Order (Revelation 13) will rise and give the "Solution" as the AntiChrist appears as a False Savior (Revelation 6:1-2). This is the Modus Operandi of the Globalist Elite Luciferians and God will allow it for backsliding into sin and spiritual adultery and trying to divide His Holy Land Jerusalem with a Two State Solution (Zechariah 12). It will all begin soon.
1/17/2020 - Antifa, militant far left group, is set to protest alongside of conservative gun owners in Virginia of all places. Hopefully sparks do not fly and erupt in violence in a means to do away with the Second Ammendment, although my trust is in the LORD Jesus alone. It is said Hitler took the guns away from citizens before rounding up the Jews for concentration camps, and this may be the case for Christians who are left behind after the chaos plays out. This is at a time when the USA is more divided than ever over Trump's war actions in the Middle East and the Articles of Impeachment have passed from the House into the Senate for judicial review.
A diverse gathering of pro-gun protestors set to descend upon Virginia’s capital on Monday could include an unlikely ally, a local antifa group.
In what Vice called a “bizarre meeting of the minds,” Richmond-based Antifa Seven Hills also strongly opposes the gun measures now likely to become law since Democrats won control of both Virginia houses last year, and they too want Democratic leaders in Richmond to know.
“I think it’s been pretty important for us to focus on the fact that gun control in America has a legacy of racist enforcement,” an Antifa Seven Hills spokesperson called James, a self-identified anarchist who withheld his real name for fear of getting doxxed, told Vice. “Like taking guns away from black people, because black people were perceived as a threat to property and the sanctity of the state.”
“This is our fight as much as anyone else’s,” James continued. “It’s our state, and we are left largely out of the debate. The presence of an armed left is not discussed, it’s not understood.”
To the “armed left,” gun control represents the rise of a police state and the oppression of minorities made powerless by disarmament, but it’s a class issue as well.
February 2020
Feb 2020 - Even after the Donald Trump impeachment was acquitted in the Senate, tensions continue to rage between democrats and republicans as this country seems to be divided in every which way. I believe this is because the US Legislature and Donald Trump have agreed to split the Holy Land that was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in January 2020 (see Zechariah 12:3).
Bennett was there to film “man on the street” style interviews for Liberty Hangout when a threatening mob formed to chase them off campus. She says that the unhinged demonstrators were not only yelling and screaming, but assaulted her and those she was with by throwing beverages at them multiple times.
“We went there to film a President’s Day Trivia video, similar to my other trivia videos on Liberty Hangout. We were only able to ask one person one question before a mob started to form and eventually turned into a riot. They started throwing objects at us, hitting me in the face several time. They dumped hot coffee on me, and then several other beverages on my friend Joel Patrick. When we finally made it to our ride, they were jumping on the truck and beating the windows trying to break it,” Bennett told The Gateway Pundit.
* It seems this Trump "Peace Deal of the Century will lead to the "Greatest War of the Century" with the destruction of America.
• Rising Tensions
We see WW3 tensions are increasing internationally as the United States have entered into economic and military conflicts with Iran, China, North Korea, China, and others especially concerning the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the International Oil Supply route. Various Christian prophecies indicate sudden destruction and World War III is just around the corner! Here is a printable document with more info:
Hegelian Dialectic
Mass Manipulation
Wikipedia states the following for a "Dialectic" in which I believe the Globalist Elite Luciferians use to manipulate the masses into their agenda, and desired solution:
Within Hegelianism, the word dialectic has the specialised meaning of a contradiction between ideas that serves as the determining factor in their relationship. Dialectic comprises three stages of development: first, a thesis or statement of an idea, which gives rise to a second step, a reaction or antithesis that contradicts or negates the thesis, and third, the synthesis, a statement through which the differences between the two points are resolved.

It seems that the Globalist Elite Luciferians create a "thesis" or a problem, but beforehand can already predict the response or "antithesis", and then offers the desired solution or "synthesis."
For instance, let us look at what is happening with the US 2nd Amendment. Hypothetically speaking, let us imagine that the Globalist Elite have an agenda to disarm the populace in order to institute Martial Law and detainment camps. Therefore, they create a problem or a "thesis" - staging or manipulating various public shooting crisis and increase them in frequency and intensity. The response of the public is that we become afraid and seek for a solution. Then, hypothetically speaking, the elite implement their solution or "Synthesis" - legislating away bullet sales, redistricting firearm sales, carry permits, and ultimately taking away the 2nd Amendment.
Another article presents the following information:
In 1847 the London Communist League (Karl Marx and Frederick Engels) used Hegel's theory of the dialectic to back up their economic theory of communism. Now, in the 21st century, Hegelian-Marxist thinking affects our entire social and political structure. The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution. If we do not understand how the Hegelian dialectic shapes our perceptions of the world, then we do not know how we are helping to implement the vision. When we remain locked into dialectical thinking, we cannot see out of the box.
Hegel's dialectic is the tool which manipulates us into a frenzied circular pattern of thought and action. Every time we fight for or defend against an ideology we are playing a necessary role in Marx and Engels' grand design to advance humanity into a dictatorship of the proletariat. The synthetic Hegelian solution to all these conflicts can't be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda. The Marxist's global agenda is moving along at breakneck speed. The only way to completely stop the privacy invasions, expanding domestic police powers, land grabs, insane wars against inanimate objects (and transient verbs), covert actions, and outright assaults on individual liberty, is to step outside the dialectic. This releases us from the limitations of controlled and guided thought.
Acts 2:17 (Prophetic Word)
My Children, you must prepare your hearts for a change that is just ahead for you. An increase in violence in the earth is coming very soon and its results will shock you. Many will become afraid as chaos enters into the minds of many wicked ones who disagree with a political situation.
These wicked ones will be set on murder and the results will be very evil. They seek to eradicate.
Pray for My protection.
Genesis 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
2 Samuel 22:2-4
2 And he said, The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;3 The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.4 I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
Glynda Lomax at 12:00 AM
Prophecy #2
(Below this message is another one from a few years ago that concerns the same subject.)
12 And because iniquity shall abound , the love of many shall wax cold . Matt. 24
&1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 2 Tim 3
“While everyone has been watching what’s on the news, the enemy has been working behind the scenes. The division is growing deeper, and as sides have been drawn, the time will come when more riots will break out. The riots of the 60’s will pale in comparison to what is coming.
For with those who have drawn sides, eventually swords will be drawn and bloodshed will ensue. For on the street corners they will shout out their appeals. At that time the military will be pulled out. People will be running to and fro and in chaos.
(Throughout this message the Holy Spirit was showing me a scene of people running scared in the streets. I saw various men in military uniforms and tanks being driven down the streets.)
Martial law will be enacted; people will be shot, for fear will be the uprising of the people. And yet there is still a remnant, a people who are called by my name. These will lift up the broken-hearted, and they will be a light to those who are around them.
But the people are not at rest, says the Lord. Who’s side are you on? You are so entrenched in your own news stories that you cannot even hear my voice. ”
Stephen Hanson
12 And because iniquity shall abound , the love of many shall wax cold . Matt. 24
1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 2 Tim 3
“I tell you that there are riots that are coming; more and more riots are coming. This land will be filled with so much rioting. People will hate each other from rich and poor and black and white. For the love of many will wax cold. Your differences will come to a great culmination. For at that time when your differences are at their greatest, at that time when you are at odds with each other, the split will occur along the middle portion of the United States.
For have I not made you to be equal with one another? Are any one of you better than anyone else? You say that you have love for one another, but it is just a facade. You can’t even tolerate minor differences about when I am coming back. If there are differences and divisions in my body which are so great then multiply them a hundred fold and you see what is around you in the world.
Of course I have called you to be separate, but that doesn’t mean that you should be hating someone else. The enemy loves these charades. Why cannot you extend my love to one another? Why are you so proud and conceited? I have loved the foulest sinner. I loved Paul when he was a murderer. There is no extent to my love. It is as boundless as the ocean. Did I show favoritism when I chose my disciples? No, I even broke bread with tax collectors and sinners. But some of you would rule like kings. You set the finest tables. You invite only the finest guests. And yet the poor are begging just for a scrap of bread.
I AM coming back with a sword, and I will tear apart your hypocrisy. You can quote the finest scriptures, but do you extend love to those hurting around you? Do you weep for the innocent children that die every year? I tell you that the entire nation is sick to the heart.
How many times have you prayed that I would heal this land? And yet, many that have offered up these prayers, continue in their divisions and hatred with one another. You are angry children in a playground. Your conservative voices are filled with anger and malice with one another. You hate each side that does not agree with you.
The time will come when I will reap this earth. The chaff and the stubble will be burned up. Will I find fruit that remains or will I find wanton children going across the land?
Prophecy #3
Order Out of Chaos Prophecy
Prophecy #4
By TheMeek Cjt
February 17, 2017
I was shown in a dream last night an assassination of Donald Trump. I have received dreams from the Lord before, but this one was quite disturbing to me:
I saw I was placed in some type of government building, where I saw Donald Trump for a few seconds and then he disappeared. Then a strange man came in wearing a strange metal suit, that looked like something out of some movie. The moment he walked in, It was revealed to me in my spirit that he was an assassin that had come to kill one of two very famous people: Barrack Obama, or Donald Trump.
I did not know which person he was going to try to take out, but he ended up going for trump. I saw he disappeared for a small time, and then I saw that he had placed poison in a closet of a room that Donald Trump was supposed to enter. However, the plan failed, as Donald Trump did not go in there.
The assassin saw that he had failed, but he was determined to try as many times as it took. Then he took out a red device that was revealed to me to be a bomb. He expected Donald Trump to enter this room as well at some point, so then when he entered, the assassin would detonate the bomb and kill him. The man placed the bomb on the floor of the room, but was foiled as the bomb exploded and detonated in his hand before time, as the whole room lit up from the reddish orange plumes of flames and smoke. However, I saw that strangely the assassin was not harmed, and actually continued his plotting to kill Donald Trump.
Then I was transported to a different room of the building, but I was shown pictures in real time above my head, of what was going on in the other room. I saw the man had some type of special machine gun built into his armored suit. He lifted his hand and I saw a huge gun was attached to his arm, similar to a Tommy gun in appearance. I saw the assassin aim and fire the gun at something or someone across the room, as the muzzle flashed bright orange.
Much time went by, and there was silence. I saw there was much darkness in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. Then, suddenly, I saw Donald Trump arrive in front of me from around the corner, mutilated and bloody. I have never seen so much grotesqueness in a dream before. He had been shot multiple times, and parts of his face and torso were hanging from his body. He was covered in blood. Half of his body was deformed.
He was very weak and began to slightly hyperventilate, as he slowly lowered himself to the ground. I heard him groaning as some people dressed in dark clothing rushed to try and help him. I did not see with my eyes whether he died or not, but I felt in my spirit that sadly, he had been killed.
After this everything became brighter in the room for a few moments, and the assassin had a smile on his face from his actions. Sadly, I felt strongly that Donald Trump had died.
However, the assassin did not stop here. Everything went dark again, and he went back into a room, and took out a green device this time, upon which I saw the famous radioactive hazard symbol, having the three bar like shapes, meeting at a circle in the middle.
The assassin placed this down, and then suddenly plumes of green, toxic gas began to spew from the device, and in the gas I could see a figure taking shape that looked like a demon. I believe this could be symbolic of a chemical/ biological judgement, or one worse than this. I am not sure when Donald Trump will be judged, but I do believe that he will be shot and killed, and when this happens, chaos will abound or will already be abounding.
Trump Shot, Bioweapon Released
(Acts 2:17, 1 Thess 5:19-21)
By TheMeek Cjt
February 17, 2017
I was shown in a dream last night an assassination of Donald Trump. I have received dreams from the Lord before, but this one was quite disturbing to me:
I saw I was placed in some type of government building, where I saw Donald Trump for a few seconds and then he disappeared. Then a strange man came in wearing a strange metal suit, that looked like something out of some movie. The moment he walked in, It was revealed to me in my spirit that he was an assassin that had come to kill one of two very famous people: Barrack Obama, or Donald Trump.
I did not know which person he was going to try to take out, but he ended up going for trump. I saw he disappeared for a small time, and then I saw that he had placed poison in a closet of a room that Donald Trump was supposed to enter. However, the plan failed, as Donald Trump did not go in there.
The assassin saw that he had failed, but he was determined to try as many times as it took. Then he took out a red device that was revealed to me to be a bomb. He expected Donald Trump to enter this room as well at some point, so then when he entered, the assassin would detonate the bomb and kill him. The man placed the bomb on the floor of the room, but was foiled as the bomb exploded and detonated in his hand before time, as the whole room lit up from the reddish orange plumes of flames and smoke. However, I saw that strangely the assassin was not harmed, and actually continued his plotting to kill Donald Trump.
Then I was transported to a different room of the building, but I was shown pictures in real time above my head, of what was going on in the other room. I saw the man had some type of special machine gun built into his armored suit. He lifted his hand and I saw a huge gun was attached to his arm, similar to a Tommy gun in appearance. I saw the assassin aim and fire the gun at something or someone across the room, as the muzzle flashed bright orange.
Much time went by, and there was silence. I saw there was much darkness in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. Then, suddenly, I saw Donald Trump arrive in front of me from around the corner, mutilated and bloody. I have never seen so much grotesqueness in a dream before. He had been shot multiple times, and parts of his face and torso were hanging from his body. He was covered in blood. Half of his body was deformed.
He was very weak and began to slightly hyperventilate, as he slowly lowered himself to the ground. I heard him groaning as some people dressed in dark clothing rushed to try and help him. I did not see with my eyes whether he died or not, but I felt in my spirit that sadly, he had been killed.
After this everything became brighter in the room for a few moments, and the assassin had a smile on his face from his actions. Sadly, I felt strongly that Donald Trump had died.
However, the assassin did not stop here. Everything went dark again, and he went back into a room, and took out a green device this time, upon which I saw the famous radioactive hazard symbol, having the three bar like shapes, meeting at a circle in the middle.
The assassin placed this down, and then suddenly plumes of green, toxic gas began to spew from the device, and in the gas I could see a figure taking shape that looked like a demon. I believe this could be symbolic of a chemical/ biological judgement, or one worse than this. I am not sure when Donald Trump will be judged, but I do believe that he will be shot and killed, and when this happens, chaos will abound or will already be abounding.
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